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A new CIPD survey reveals employers aren’t giving line managers the necessary tools they need to manage workplace absence effectively.

The 2016 CIPD/Simplyhealth Absence Management survey found that now more than ever employers are giving line managers the responsibility of managing short-term absence.  25% of surveyed employers said giving line managers information about absence rates, causes and trends was one of the most effective ways to manage short-term absence.  Unfortunately, the number of employers giving managers the tools they need to manage absence has decreased over the last year.  Less than half of employers in the survey trained managers to handle short-term absence.  Additionally, only 38% said managers were even trained to manage long-term absence.

The survey also uncovered decreases in the provision of tailored support for line managers.  Although these employees play an essential role in businesses, training and support for these managers to make sure they are efficient and effective is lacking.  Line managers, according to HR experts, are usually the employees making day-to-day decisions about work allocation and staffing arrangements and therefore it is imperative they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and feel confident. 

The survey did reveal the current average level of staff absence is 6.3 days per year, slightly down from 2015.  The most common reasons for short-term absence were minor illnesses and stress.