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New research carried out by the Achievers Workforce Institute on 2,094 employed respondents, has found that just 48 per cent of managers have received training on coaching, professional development and recognition.

In addition, the report draws attention to the link between engaged employees and effective managers - underlining the necessary training HR must provide to managers.

According to the data, whilst 48 per cent have said to have been trained in key areas - such as one-to-one meetings; coaching; employee recognition or professional development, only 27 per cent were trained on setting performance goals.  Approximately, a third of managers were trained in each of the areas - leaving most managers to pick up best practices on their own.

Achievers Chief Workforce Scientist - Dr. Natalie Baumgartner - said:

“With less than half of employers training managers to coach and lead their teams, according to the survey, it represents a risk area for organisations. Our data shows that manager effectiveness directly impacts employee engagement, with recognition and professional development playing especially big roles in driving effectiveness. Organisations need to offer widespread training to all managers to empower them to better lead their teams. If an organisation can empower all their managers to be great leaders, they will see direct business impact at every level.”

To assist managers, Achievers have advised HR teams to train managers in employee recognition; professional development; strength-based management and empathetic leadership. They should create a culture of recognition throughout the business – with managers recognising employees’ strengths.  Professional development plans for individuals at all levels are recommended to be put in place.

Dr. Natalie Baumgartner added:

“Organisational leaders simply cannot expect managers to effectively support and engage their people without providing them with the tools, resources, and training to do so. Good managers become so through insight, development and support — essentially, empowerment. Conversely, bad managers are often actually just under-supported, under-developed, and under-engaged, themselves. Thus, it’s imperative that every organisation empowers their front-line people leaders, their managers, with regular, consistent, cross-functional training for all managers.”