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Rest Less – a digital community launched in early 2019 to advocate for people in their 50s, 60s and beyond – have analysed figures released in November 2022 from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and found that there are nearly 300,000 people aged 50+ on a zero hours contract, which is the highest for this age group since records began.

The figures show that the number of people aged 50+ working under a zero hours contract has  increased by 99% in just under 10 years, from 149,000 people in October-December 2013,  compared with 296,000 in July-September 2022.

This means that more than a quarter (28%) of the total number of zero hours contracts are held by workers aged 50+, beaten only by the 16 to 24-year-old age group, who hold the largest percentage of zero-hours contracts at 36% of the total. Their figures have risen 77% from 2013 to 2022 with 380,000 workers o these contracts. 

Stuart Lewis, Chief Executive of Rest Less, commented as follows: 

“Zero hours contracts can be a suitable option for people looking for hyper-flexible work whose schedules change regularly. For this reason, zero hours contracts are common amongst young people and also second jobbers who want to earn extra income on the side on a flexible basis. In the absence of sufficiently flexible work from many mainstream employers, zero hours contracts can also offer flexibility for older workers juggling caring and other life responsibilities with fluctuating schedules.

‘However, for people relying solely on a zero hours contract as their main source of income, they can be fraught with challenges and anxiety about where and when the next paycheck will come. In addition, employment rights are limited and amidst a cost of living crisis they can leave employees in an extremely vulnerable position.

‘The large rise in the number of people aged 50+ working under zero hours contracts is worrying. Whilst the flexibility they offer is a good fit for some, we know of many individuals who have turned to zero hours contracts as they have been unable to find a more permanent or structured type of work due to age discrimination or a lack of workplace flexibility. Others are juggling zero hours contracts alongside other part-time roles to top up working hours to make ends meet amidst double digit inflation.”