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Since its inception in 1993, Protect has been at the forefront of advocating for whistleblowers across the UK. The charity's commitment to providing practical and legal assistance to those who speak up against workplace injustices has significantly impacted the lives of thousands of individuals over the years.

In 2023, Protect witnessed a surge in cases, handling a total of 3,047, marking a notable 23% increase from the previous year.

Protect assists individuals from all sectors and walks of life. In 2023, the majority of calls originated from the private sector (42%), closely followed by the public (24%) and charity (23%) sectors. These calls emanated from diverse industries, with health and social work (30%), education (15%) and financial services (7%) being the most prominent.

One of the most striking revelations from Protect's data is the demographic of individuals reaching out for assistance. Contrary to popular belief, nearly half of the callers (44%) reported an annual income below £30,000, challenging the stereotype that whistleblowers are predominantly high-ranking executives within large corporations. Instead, many are frontline workers, including those in hospital wards and small charities, expressing concerns about patient safety and the well-being of vulnerable individuals.

The experiences shared by those who reached out to Protect underscore the challenges faced by whistleblowers in the workplace. A significant portion of callers (41%) reported that their concerns had been ignored by their employers, while others found themselves embroiled in investigations (21%) or dismissed outright with claims that their concerns were invalid (15%).

Central to Protect's mission is its confidential legal Advice Line, staffed by legally trained advisers operating under the supervision of qualified solicitors. For over three decades, the charity has been instrumental in ensuring that whistleblowers understand their legal rights and are protected from retaliation by their employers. Upon contacting Protect, individuals are connected with dedicated advisers who provide guidance on how to navigate the complexities of whistleblowing, offering online templates for legal claims and ongoing telephone and email support.

The importance of Protect's work cannot be overstated, particularly in light of the increased demand for whistleblower protection and advocacy. In 2023, the charity experienced a 48% surge in calls from the health and social work sector alone, highlighting the urgent need for mechanisms to safeguard the rights of those who speak out against wrongdoing.

Elizabeth Gardiner – Protect’s Chief Executive – stated:

“With high profile whistleblowing cases I the media….it’s o surprise we’re seeing more calls to our confidential whistleblowing Advice Line.

We should be pleased that so many people are coming forward and speaking up in their workplace to stop harm. Whistleblowers are a valuable resource to employers and protect the public interest by holding organisations and governments to account.”